Custom Image Recognition API

for a specific tasks

  • Automate visual routines
  • Power innovative applications
  • Maximum flexibility and customization
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Use cases

Explore where Custom image recognition API is used.


We power innovative applications in healthcare. Allowing for medical images automation and personilsed applications. All data is yours only and kept private.

Science & research

Speed up your research with custom trained neural network on your data. Define and recognize vast amounts of image data in no-time.


Automate visual-related tasks in manufacturing like optical quality inspection, automated sorting or quality and standards compliance.


Improve productivity and yield with the help of image recognition in agriculture through ripeness inspection, visual sorting or crop monitoring.

Augmented reality

Drive sales, improve user experience and allow novel experiences with mobile object recognition and visual search. Power personalised insurance applications.

Technical inspection

Automate visual technical routines for safety and compliance.

Niche and custom

And many more. Start training your own or contact us for consultation.

Need more? We can assist you.

If you can't train your custom recognition and you want to use prepared recognition models, need visual search in your collection of images or simply anything else in the area of computer vision & machine learning — we are here to help.

Vize is just the beginning. Ximilar handles the universe of possibilites.

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